Use the amount shown. Use 100k. This is the standard amount that the Finder™ uses. Use 25% of all available memory. Use 50% of all available memory. Use 75% of all available memory. Use all available memory. Use 25% of as much memory as is practical for the number of files that you are copying. Use 50% of as much memory as is practical for the number of files that you are copying. Use 75% of as much memory as is practical for the number of files that you are copying. Use as much memory as is practical for the number of files that you are copying. The application partition is set to another unknown value. This selection is dimmed because you can only do that with a resource editor. Set the application partition to the amount shown. Read the amount shown at most at a time (the larger the amount the less “MultiFinder” friendly). Read as much as possible (not MultiFinder friendly) Changes the tolerance of the Finder™ to the amount shown before displaying numbers in Meg. Forces the Finder™ to always display numbers in k. Makes no changes to the tolerance before the Finder™ displays numbers in Meg.